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Post By: admin
We’ve had such a busy start to the year – and then our website lost all sorts of information in an auto-upgrade (as Baxterr would say ‘Grrrrrr” ). So our apologies for the big gap in the posts. There was news but it’s been lost in cyberspace… However the most pressing information missing is the […]
Every year, in the hinterland of the Gold Coast, a most remarkable celebration of children’s literature takes place – the Somerset Celebration of Literature – at the Somerset College. Angelica Banks was lucky enough to be one of the thirty authors for 2016. It’s hard to express the scale of this festival. There are literally thousands of […]
Angelica Banks was lucky enough to visit the Bruny Island Primary School last week. We experimented with some of the English language’s more unusual and largely unknown words. The task was not to know the meaning – but simply feel, taste and smell the word from the experience of rolling it about in your head […]
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